We love floral table clothes and aprons at the Rose Garden Cafe!

We love light and bright

Simple and clean

We love the thought of picnics in the park

And the Rose Garden Cafe providing you with delightful food and drinks

You just bringing your table clothes and happiness

We love the thought of you riding your bicycle to the Park’s entrance

And entering in to enjoy the table clothes and aprons and delicious food.

We love the idea of flowers and gardens growing abundantly

We love the trees and the beach and the sparkling waters

But most of all we love roses

Roses in vases, roses in gardens

Roses unfolding in the beauty of the soul

For inside is the place where the rose blossoms the fullest

The soul expressing itself in the blossoming of roses

petal by petal

opening spaces and places

like picnics with floral table clothes

unveiling beauty yet to be seen

within the whimsy and majesty of daily living

in the light of the gardens

as the flowers unfold and beauty steps out.

Visit us at the Rose Garden Cafe

Simply beautiful,

Naturally delicious…..